I. Terms and Conditions of Supplier Registration/Pre-qualification
By completing and submitting the supplier registration/pre-qualification application form, the supplier is deemed to have read, understood and accepted to be bound by the following terms and conditions including, without limitation, to flydubai's Terms and Conditions of Purchase, which are listed below (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "T&Cs"):-
1. The Registration/Pre-Qualification
(a) The supplier is not considered as one of flydubai's registered/pre-qualified suppliers unless a written confirmation of approval is received by the supplier, subsequent to the submission of the supplier's application and all necessary information requested therein (hereinafter referred to as "Registration").
(b) Where the supplier's Application is rejected or the supplier's Registration as approved supplier is cancelled (as the case may be), flydubai will not be obliged to provide any reason(s) thereof.
(c) Without prejudice to the foregoing, flydubai may reject the supplier's Application or cancel the supplier's Registration if flydubai discovers all or any part(s) of the Information submitted by the supplier is false, incomplete, inaccurate or for such other reason(s) as flydubai shall deem fit at its absolute discretion, including but not limited to non-compliance with the T&Cs.
(d) The Registration and the subsequent access to flydubai's supplier portal is for the sole and exclusive use by the supplier and not assignable or transferable under any circumstances whatsoever.
(e) It is flydubai's contracting policy to only engage supplier's willing to comply with flydubai's T&C's, including any specific terms and conditions prescribed for a particular Request For Quotation (RFQ)/Request For Proposal (RFP) issued from time to time. As a registered supplier, the supplier shall be invited to submit quotations/proposals and provided the opportunity to review and price for the risks and/or costs associated with complying with such terms and conditions. In the event of any inconsistency between the T&C's and the terms and conditions of a particular RFQ/RFP, the terms and conditions of the RFQ/RFP in question shall prevail. Non-compliant quotations/proposals will be rejected and registered suppliers submitting non-compliant quotations on at least 3 separate instances will be removed from the approved suppliers list.
(f) The supplier's successful registration does not bind flydubai to necessarily issue a RFQ/RFP or award any contract for services or materials or to reimburse any costs incurred by the supplier in the preparation and submission of the supplier quotation/proposal in response to a RFQ/RFP
2. Warranties and Representations
(a) Any supplier intending to register with flydubai represents and warrants that:
i. It has the capacity and the ability to provide the Information via this Registration and that the supplier possesses the requisite licence(s) and approval(s) in order to execute, deliver and perform its obligations in accordance with flydubai's standard T&Cs;
ii. All Information provided is up-to-date as at the date of submission and is true, current, complete, correct, accurate, does not cause any ambiguity and is not misleading; and
iii. It acknowledges and agrees to let flydubai disclose the Information to its Affiliates at such times and for such purposes as flydubai shall deem fit in its absolute discretion.
(b) Submission of the supplier's application and information and its subsequent approval as a registered supplier (the Registration) is solely for the purpose of including the supplier in flydubai's approved suppliers database and shall NOT at any time be construed, read or interpreted that flydubai in any way, shape or form warrants and/or represents to any supplier:
i. it shall be invited for every RFQ/RFP issued by flydubai;
ii. flydubai shall purchase any goods, products or request for any services from the registered supplier; or
iii. flydubai shall enter or be bound to any other form of contract or arrangement with a registered supplier;
3. Information and Confidentiality
(a) Both parties (flydubai & the supplier) undertake that neither party, at any time, shall not disclose to any person information which the disclosing party identifies as being proprietary and/or confidential or that by the nature of the circumstances surrounding the disclosure, ought to be treated as proprietary and/or confidential (including, without limitation to data and particulars of the company, firm or person with which the disclosing party may be in commercial or technical cooperation or association, data of the disclosing party's guests and customers, its operations and activities, financial standing, profile, claims or actions for or against the disclosing party, its future plans, developments or expansion) (hereinafter collectively known as "Confidential Information").
(b) Each Party may disclose the other Party's confidential information:
i. to its employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of carrying out its obligations resulting from any contractual relationship ensuing from this Registration. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives or advisers to whom it discloses the other party's confidential information comply with the requirements of this Confidentiality clause; and
ii. as may be required by law, court order or any governmental or regulatory authority of competent jurisdiction.
(c) Neither party shall use the other party's Confidential Information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under an ensuing contract or from this Registration.
II. Online Supplier Pre-Qualification/Registration Checklist
Please ensure the readiness of the following documents before proceeding with the registration process:
- Company Profile
- Trade License
- Chamber of Commerce Membership Certificate
- Quality certificates and achievements (if any)
- Product catalogues and brochures
- Contact information of 3-4 of the supplier current customers including the contact person for reference checks by flydubai
- Copy of audited financial balance sheet and P/L Statement for atleast 3 years
Please note that the documents above must be in softcopy and ready to be uploaded to our Online Supplier Registration System as the supporting documents for information provided by the supplier.
All pre-qualified/registered Suppliers are required to provide goods and services in accordance with flydubai's standard terms and conditions, issued along with the relevant RFQ/RFP from time to time.
III. Confirmation of Registration
Upon the submission of the supplier registration application, the supplier will receive a registration confirmation receipt by email. The supplier application will be routed through flydubai's Supplier Prequalification process for review and approval. Approved applicants will receive another email confirming their Registration.
Your application for Pre-qualification/Registration constitutes your acceptance of all of the above.